Questions for the Webinar on Oct 25

Oct 7, 2011 at 10:34 AM by Hoa Truong-White

Good day World Class teachers and students. In preparation for the webinar with Mike Weickert about the impact of famine on children in the Horn of Africa, we'd invite you to begin posting questions for Mike in this discussion thread.

Please reply to this thread with a list of your class' questions. I will review the lists and assign any repeated questions to one class. Students will be given the chance to ask other questions that may arise as they chat with Mike during the webinar.

Please do not start another thread, but reply to this one with your questions.


3 Replies

Garry Howe
Oct 14, 2011 at 3:57 PM

Hi Hoa

We had a great brainstorming session today coming up with possible questions for this webinar. They are posted below...feel free to tweak them as you see fit. Looking forward to the 25th!!

1) What kinds of difficulties/dangers would refugees face:

a) on the journey to the refugee camp?
b) once they arrive?

2) What are some of the emotional issues that children in this region face? (e.g. worry about..., depressed about..., frustrated about...)

3) (a) In what ways has being in the refugee camp changed their life for the better?
(b) In what ways has being in the refugee camp changed their life for the worse?

4) Since the refugee camp is so full at this time, will families eventually be turned away, and, if so, what will happen to them if they are?

5) How much food do the refugees eat in a day and what types of food do they eat?

6) Are families having difficulty staying together in the camp? (especially when it comes to extended families. Are they organized in any way such as according to age, sex, or country of origin?

7) What are some of the major health issues in the camp? How are Aid organizations dealing with these issues?

8) How are families being processed at the refugee camp?

9) What are the primary needs at the refugee camps (e.g. food clean water, medical supplies, etc)

10) Are there any issues with wild animals in the region? (i.e. are they posing any danger to families either on their journey to the camp or at the refugee camp itself?)

11) What is the state of the water sources there? Is there enough clean drinking water or do they have problems with contaminated water sources? If so, what are they doing about these issues?

Katharine Kan
Oct 24, 2011 at 1:46 PM

Questions from Ms. Kan's Grade 4s at UHill:

1)Do kids get to play in the refugee camp? Is there soccer? (Jeff)

2)How long did you work at the refuge camp? (Brian)

3)How many people do you think are in the refugee camp?

4) We watched a WV video and saw a water truck. Have you seen one before? (Grace)

5)What kind of foods does the refugee camp usually give the refugees? (Bryan)

6) How many people come to the refugee camp that you worked at each year? How many people live there? Is there lots of room for everybody?

7)How deep and how wide are the wells that you are digging?

8)Do most refugees come injured or safe?

9) Are there teachers in refugee camps?

10) Are people there happy? What is life like in the refugee camps?

11) What do you do when people are sick?

12) What do you do when the weather gets hotter? How do you keep yourself cool?

13) Hoiw do you get water in a refugee camp? Is it far and hard to get water there or is it close and easy? With what do you get water? (Yarden)

Stephanie Friesen
Oct 24, 2011 at 5:45 PM

These are the questions from the Grade 4/5 class in Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada at Whitmore School.

What is it like in Africa?
How hard is it to get water there?
What is the famine/drough like?
How hot is it there?
Is there war there?
What do the people there eat?